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Help us to reach our target

Rivington Terraced Gardens – ways to donate

Raising funds for such a special place can be achieved in any number of ways and we currently reviewing alternative options to achieve this. If you would like to donate or contribute in a way that isn’t currently available then please contact us and we will endeavour to support your preferred method.

Rivington Terraced Gardens needs your support

When the lottery funding ends in December 2020, we need to continue to fund the maintenance of the Gardens.

It will cost over £100,000 per year.

But we get over 600,000 visits to the Gardens each year, so this target should be achievable – if every family just gave £1… Please help us to reach our target.

Registered charity no. 1064700

£10000 raised so far this year (since April 1st 2021)

At the end of July 2021, we have raised just above £10000. It’s a great start for the year from various sources. We also welcome lots of new “Friends of Rivington Terraced Gardens” who have each donated £10 as well as raising funds through other means.

You can become a Friend too (follow this link) or simply donate now by text – just text RTG and the figure you wish to donate to 70460. For example, to donate £20 text RTG20, to donate £5 text RTG5, to donate £2 text RTG2.

Every penny helps us to get closer to the top of our Tower Target!

Bequest Will Donation – Helping Preserve the Terraced Gardens for Future Generations

If like us you are a long standing supporter of the gardens you have probably contributed either time or money  to their restoration and ongoing maintenance or simply enjoyed the gardens for their beauty, but what about future generations?

You could consider making a bequest in your will, however small, that could make a valuable contribution to keeping the gardens available for your children, grandchildren spouses and relatives to enjoy as a permanent reminder if the good times you have spent enjoying the gardens.

If you are thinking of making a will you should take professional advice so your estate can be properly dealt with after you are gone.  It is easy to make a provision to support the gardens either when drawing up a will or by adding a simple request to an existing will.

You can support the Trust into the future in a number of ways.  You can leave a specific sum, you can leave an index linked sum or a specific share of your estate.  In each case your adviser can help talk you through the best option for you and your family.  Some examples of the type of provision you could make are listed below.  The Charitable Trust that is responsible for the gardens would also be responsible for ensuring any bequest is used to help, preserve and maintain the gardens for future generations and you would know you have made a lasting contribution to a local gem that deserves to be enjoyed by future generations.

If you’d like to leave a pecuniary gift, you might find this wording helpful:

‘I give to Rivington Heritage Trust ‘the Trust’) of  (insert registered office address), Registered Charity No. 1064700 the sum of  £ (insert amount).’

If you’d like to leave an index-linked pecuniary gift:

‘I give to Rivington Heritage Trust (‘the Trust’) of  (insert registered office address) Registered Charity No. 1064700, the sum of  £ (insert amount) or such larger sum as my executors calculate to have the same value at my death as the figure specified at the date of this (insert either ‘Will’ or ‘Codicil date’).’

If you’d like to leave a residuary gift:

‘I give (specify %) of the residue of my real
and personal estate to Rivington Heritage Trust (‘the Trust’) of ( insert registered office address) Registered Charity No. 1064700 and the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or the proper officer for the time being of the National Trust shall be a complete discharge to my executors.’



Make a donation

You can now donate via text. Simply send “RTG” and the amount (in pounds) you would like to donate to 70460.

For example, to donate £2, text RTG2
To send £5, text RTG5
To send £10, text RTG10



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